What is it about a retail/shopping environment that brings out the worst in so many? Is it the requirement of parting with hard-earned money? Something tells me no, because it's often those who are spending other people's money (i.e. Mommy or Daddy, husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend, Sugar Mama or Sugar Daddy is paying) who have the worst attitudes and act like they're entitled to everything under the sun. The people spending their own money are more usually pleasant, engaging, and understanding.
And yes, I can tell when you're spending your own money or someone else's. And not because of a name on a credit card either.
Oh wait, this was supposed to be about me, right? Well, it kind of is. I'm a bit of a workaholic. I would say about 85% of my time is spent at work. . .so, I tend to talk about it a lot. Also, it shapes me as a person. Which means I'm mostly a bitter, sarcastic, and pessimistic drone clinging on to the last shreds of her dying hopes and dreams.
Haha. . .KIDDING! For the most part. Don't get me wrong, there's good stuff too. That stuff just doesn't make for the best stories. Or my acetaminophen habit. And since it's time for me to get ready for work (again), here's a little something for you all to enjoy. Something that gives you a hint of what I often deal with while earning my paycheck. . .
Side note: this is only a slightly exaggerated parody of conversations you might overhear at my job. All of the swearing and insults happen inside my head though. ^_^
Have a great day everyone!
*If you haven't seen "Firefly" and "Serenity". . .well, you should. We probably won't get along otherwise. . .
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