Sunday, June 3, 2012

A nice bouquet. . .

Two things about me:

1.  I live in Virginia.  I have my entire life.  And while the first colony has it's faults, I kind of love being a Virginian.  I love the country, the mountains, the nearness to D.C., and especially the history.

2.  I love wine.  And not just in a "Whooooo, wine time with my girlfriends!!!" kind of way.  I mean, I love wine from start to finish.  I love learning about where it comes from, how it gets made, about all the varieties of grapes, etc.  I'm a wine snob in training.

So, Virginia wines?  Yeah, I'm on board.  The Virginia wine scene is really up-and-coming.  There are a ton of vineyards here, and one of my favorite things to do in my (precious little) off-time is to visit them.  It can be difficult because there are only so many that are nearby.  Some visits require an all-day road trip.  Which can be awesome with a group a friends, btw.  That's when I can combine my budding wine snobbery with a bit of  "Whoooooo, wine time with my girlfriends!!!"

However, every now and then I get to visit more than just two or three wineries in one day.  I get to visit at least 20 in one day.  And that, my friends, is what we call a happy day for Lisa.  That's called a Wine Festival.

Today was one of those days.  The Vintage Virginia festival to be more specific.  It happens every June, and I love it.  I love trying new wines, meeting the people who make them, and hearing the stories behind them.  I love checking out all the vendors, networking, and just having fun with other people who love wine as much as I do.

Like the three ladies who created this winery:

Yes.  Note the poster in the bottom right corner.  Men's lower torsos with well-placed grape vines and bunches.  Fantastic.  And the best part?  Their wine was GOOD.  I bought a bottle in fact.  A blush that wasn't cloyingly sweet or pretty much just a Moscato with pink food coloring.  So yeah, they're a fledgling winery, and they only tasted three of their varieties, but I see a good future for them.  Check them out:  Well Hung Vineyard.

And last, but not least, I'd like to leave you with a picture that sums up how I feel about today:


  1. Awesome. I think my fave winery name ever is Pompous Ass Winery... with my fave bottle being the "kiss my ass blush"


    Drinking age verified.

    quality wine related post.
    your work here is done.


  2. Lol! Thanks! Expect lots more wine rambling from me in the future. . .

  3. GIRL! I was there! We are the first aid staff for those events! Are you going to Virginia Wine Fest in September?

  4. Most definitely! Wish I'd known you were there! But we'll get together soon and talk (and drink) wine. Yes.
